


最靠谱的网赌软件警察局提供全方位服务, internationally accredited and state certified police agency committed to providing professional police and safety 服务 to members of the university community and to residents of the concurrent patrol area adjacent to main campus. ODU police officers are trained in one of the state’s regional criminal justice academies alongside officers from a variety of local municipalities. 警官们定期接受额外的培训,以提高他们的技能, 知识, 和能力, 加强有效沟通, 提供警务服务, 调查犯罪. ODU警官都是宣誓的, 有权对违法行为实施逮捕的专职警官, 发生在校园内外. 

The department proactively addresses safety and security-related issues and educates members of our university community regarding their role in maintaining a safe campus environment. The University’s main campus is known to be safe; however, 它位于一个并非完全没有犯罪活动的城市地区. Members of the campus community are encouraged to use common sense in making decisions that may affect their personal safety. The ODU police department has implemented a multitude of safety and security initiatives; however, the most extensive plan cannot succeed without the awareness and cooperation of those who work, 研究, 住在我们的校园里. 

The ODU 警察局 operates around the clock providing full police and safety 服务 to the local community. 除了主校区, the department has an extended patrol jurisdiction governed by an agreement with the City of Norfolk, 由诺福克市巡回法院认证. The ODU Police are also responsible for providing safety and security 服务 for the 弗吉尼亚海滩 Higher Education Center, 弗吉尼亚海滩, 弗吉尼亚州和朴茨茅斯的三城高等教育中心, 弗吉尼亚和萨福克, VA. 托马斯·纳尔逊社区学院警察局, 他们拥有与ODUPD相同的执法权力, 负责在ODU半岛中心巡逻. 老自治领警察局位于弗吉尼亚州诺福克的君主路4516号. 警察局也有两个分站. 社区参与小组, K9单位, and Police Cadets are located in the Powhatan Apartment complex substation (757-836-4267) and the Investigations Unit is located at 4116 Monarch Way substation (757-683-4090). 每个分站每学期的办公时间灵活, so community members are encouraged to call and schedule an appointment or call the ODU 警察局 at 757-683-5665.  组织al Chart >



A person in a military uniformDescription automatically generated with medium confidence我代表最靠谱的网赌软件警察局, 欢迎并感谢您花时间访问我们的网站.  The 最靠谱的网赌软件 Department of Public 安全 encompasses the 最靠谱的网赌软件 警察局, 应急管理办公室, 威胁评估, 以及遵守《网上十大网赌娱乐大全》.  Our police department is a full-service law enforcement agency that is internationally accredited through The Commission on 认证 for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), the 国际 Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators (IACLEA) and is a Certified Crime Prevention Campus 社区 through the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice 服务.  最靠谱的网赌软件警察局是积极主动的, value-driven organization that supports the mission of the Department of Public 安全 through the delivery of quality professional and innovative police 服务 with integrity, 根据我们社区的需要量身定制.


The 最靠谱的网赌软件 警察局 maintains the highest level of training, 道德标准, 在拥抱21的同时进行技术创新st Century Policing ideology by building community trust through transparency and 有效的 teamwork.  In 2021, the 最靠谱的网赌软件 警察局 served as part of the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice 服务 “Reimagining Public 安全” working group.  该工作组由执法官员组成, 社会提倡, 以及整个英联邦的学术界专业人士.  The goal of the committee was to determine ways that law enforcement and the community could jointly engage in addressing concerns related to use of force, 内隐偏见, 还有招聘, 选择, 以及保留警察.  This work culminated in a statewide conference that forged meaningful community relationships and led to several recommendations to the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice 服务 that will enhance police and community expectations and relationships, 展望未来.

The 最靠谱的网赌软件 警察局’s website provides numerous resources for training, 安全意识, 服务, 项目, 以及我们的年度保安和消防安全报告.  我们部门致力于不断改进, 操作的透明度, 以及与君主社区所有成员的社区参与.

请让我们知道我们是怎么做的. 我们鼓励并欢迎您的反馈, 不管是积极的还是消极的, 这样我们就可以在必要的地方进行改进, 并继续提供您期望和应得的服务水平.



ODUPD致力于提供公平的执法和安全服务, 有效的, 公正地应用. 为了帮助实现这个目标, all department personnel including both sworn officers and civilian employees are held to the highest standards of conduct and are expected to treat all individuals with respect and to ac知识 the rights of all persons. 遵守这些标准, by personnel motivated by a moral and professional obligation to perform their job to the best of their ability, 这个机构的最终目标是什么. The Office of Professional Standards is responsible for investigating all misconduct complaints made against members of the 最靠谱的网赌软件 警察局. 以下是对投诉类型和调查结果的统计分析.


In an effort to reduce law enforcement officers from engaging in bias-based profiling, the 弗吉尼亚社区治安法 requires law enforcement agencies to collect demographic information during all traffic and investigatory stops. This data is submitted to a statewide 社区 Policing Reporting Database maintained by the Virginia State Police. The statewide data will be analyzed to determine the prevalence of bias-based profiling. 参观 开放数据门户 搜索旧道明大学警察局的名字.

ODUPD是CALEA国家认可的执法机构. IACLEA Accredited Campus Law Enforcement Agency and DCJS Certified Crime Prevention Campus 社区.